capella audio2score

Hear music, see sheet music

capella audio2score start

US$ 68

AI-supported: Piano sheet music from audio files*
capella audio2score pro

US$ 198

Sheet music from audio with AI, edit everything, arrange freely*
You already have an older version: Take advantage of our upgrade offers.
*Compare the features.

Extract notes from recordings

Need the notes from a recording? capella audio2score recognizes notes with "artificial intelligence". A new arrangement is created.


Note recognition with capella audio2score

What is happening?

capella audio2score analyzes your recording, e.g. an MP3 file. Different timbres - winds, strings, piano - can be distinguished.

The recognized timbres are then poured into a new arrangement. This can be e.g. for piano, quartet or orchestra - you choose the instrumentation yourself and immediately see the result.

capella audio2score does not show you an exact transcript of the original. Please imagine the result more like a piano reduction or a particell (depending on your settings). Export to Midi, capella or MusicXML format as well as PDF.

Sound samples

AI recognition (without post-processing!)


See here for more sound samples.

How is "Artificial Intelligence" involved?

As a user, you don't see anything from the AI, except that the recognition is now much better than before. Read more in this blog.

Editing included

The possibility of further editing explicitly distinguishes capella audio2score pro from software of other manufacturers!

Only capella audio2score pro shows you the "sound tissue" in which individual notes can be read in isolation and also edited.

Possibilites and limitations

All details

Get to know the new capella audio2score with the free trial version.

Find out about the "small" version capella audio2score start.

Here is the detailed list of features to compare:

Feature list